SEO Copy Writers have to prepare content based on keywords given by Keyword Analysts. The writer has to maintain required keyword density by looking that given keyword is repeated frequently. If text is already written, the writer has to rewrite the text in such a way that it contains selected keywords and maintains required keyword density. Thus, the writer has to make the content search engine friendly.
Keyword Stuffing and Over Usage of Keywords:
Keyword stuffing is advisable to some extent in order to maintain keyword density. However, keywords should not be over used. Whenever you suspect that your content is featured by keyword over usage by other site owners, you can check your doubt with the help of keyword density checkers. If any over usage of keyword is detected, the writer has to re-write the text in such a way that keyword density is reduced.
Perils of Over Usage of Keywords:
- Over usage keywords irritates the reader and often kill the readability of a write-up.
- The readers may not visit once again in future and it may result in reduction of traffic
- The readers may even question the creditability of the actual subject even if the subject is correct and written by a Subject Experts
- Readers may feel bored to read less readable writing and may omit some parts of the text. Sometimes, the missed out parts may be highly important and crucial ones.
- Search engines may consider it an auto generated content and may ban the sites/web pages and stop displaying them, resulting in lower search engine rank
- If your website or blog is attached to an advertisement network program such as Google ad sense account, the network program may terminate your network account with a view that your content is an auto-generated one.
- It is considered an unethical practice and prohibited by search engines.
Search Spam due to Over-usage of Keywords
Search Engines give higher priority to keyword count and keyword density when they search and display websites and online pages. Hence, all the SEO Copywriters started using keywords more frequently than actually required.
In fact, they literally started inserting the keywords in the text only to attract the attention of search engines. The process is popularly known as Keyword Stuffing. Subsequently, majority of the websites and online pages became search engine friendly but at the same time, user-unfriendly. Some of users expressed their disgust about the search engines for displaying online pages which are unfriendly to the user, unreadable and sometimes, completely useless, by giving undue importance to keyword count and keyword density.
To control such adverse situations, search engines changed their algorithms for displaying websites and online pages. They started giving importance to several other factors. Search engines also started discouraging the overuse of keywords and banning the websites and online pages featured by the over usage of keywords. Such ban is technically called “Search Engine Spam.”
However, the word “Over Usage” is a highly subjective concept and its definition may vary depending on the context. However, according to industry standards, keyword is considered “Over Used” when the keyword density of the text exceeds 3%.
Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy
Contact: 91-9849856722
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