
Friday, February 18, 2011

Spellcheckers and Grammar checkers - Brief Introduction

The origin of grammar and spell checker can be traced back to 1970’s. Grammar checkers used to be sold as add-on programs until 1992 and there were several grammar checker tools in the market. In 1992, Microsoft added its grammar checker as a feature of Microsoft Word and the feature made a good reputation as the best spell and grammar checking option for most of the writers. Though a large number of grammar and spellcheckers entered the market, Ms-Word remained the best and most popular tool while checking grammar and spellings of a particular text. 

If you search online, you can see a large number of spellcheckers and grammar checkers. Some of them are free tools and rests of them are priced tools. Priced tools are usually more effective than free tools. The quality and reliability of the tools vary from tool to tool.

No spell and grammar check tool is as effective as an experienced proofreader. Hence, no spell and grammar check tool could replace the manual proof-reading and editing till today. In fact, it will not be possible to produce such a tool that will completely replace manual proof-reading because a programming language or tool is developed based on a particular syntax but, a natural language is not so. Hence, it must be remembered that automation proof reading is not a complete alternative to manual proof reading and both must be made complimentary to each other in order to make the work more effective.

However, the tools that we use now are better than the tools that we used in the past and the tools that we will use in future will certainly be better than the tools that we use now. Of late, developers started focusing on developing context sensitive algorithms, which can recognize grammatical mistakes according to the context. Grammar checking option in Microsoft Office 2007 contains some of such algorithms. 

Points to remember:
  • Spelling and grammar errors irritates the reader and often kill the readability of a write-up.
  • The readers may not visit once again in future
  • Readers may not understand the content completely and sometimes, even they may not understand anything. Chances are there that they may even take different meaning and get misled
  •  Looking at the spelling and grammar errors, the readers may even question the creditability of the actual subject even if the subject is correct and written by a Subject Expert
  • Search engines may consider it an auto generated content and may ban the sites/web pages and stop displaying them, resulting in lower search engine rank   
  • If your website or blog is attached to an advertisement network program such as google adsense account, the network program may terminate your network account with a view that your content is an auto generated one.
 Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy
Contact: 91-9849856722

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