The word ‘Plagiarism’ refers to the copying of thoughts and expressions of others.
- It is an unethical and unlawful act.
- According to Copyright’s Act, it is a crime and the owner of the original content may sue the copier in the court of Law.
- Search engines give lower page ranks to the websites and web pages containing copied content. Sometimes, search engines may ban such sites and pages completely and stop displaying them. Search engines give higher priority to the sites with original and unique content
- If your website or blog is attached to an advertisement network program such as google adsense account, the network program may terminate your network account in case your site contains copied content
While re-writing (spinning) an article, make adequate changes to the original (extracted) text in order to make it look original. To ensure its originality, check your content with a plagiarism detection tool. If the tool considers any portion of the text copied one, re-work up on the portion and make further changes to ensure its originality. It is an iterative process, which has to be repeated unless the text is free from plagiarism detection.
The following flow chat diagram illustrates the process:
Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy
Contact: 91-9849856722
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