
Friday, December 31, 2010

Peer's Letter of farewell


Change is the only constant factor in this world
Changes are painful, gainful and meaningful also , this is what I have realized while I am writing these few words.
Loaded with memories and great learning , I am taking along unforgettable experiences ,great friendships and respect which I have gained in last 2.4 Years.

My journey with the company has given me a platform to experience, build and unleash my potential to the best. There were tough challenges which were made easy with the help of my Managers, colleagues and our brilliant TEAM.My tenure at the company has given me immense strength & confidence to explore new horizons in my professional life.

I am obliged to my company management giving me this platform. Colleagues around me were always supportive and my TEAM were the pillars to my strength.

Though the association with the company would end today, my bonding would still be there forever with all wonderful memories am taking along.

I would like to thank you each one of you for your support , backing and unconditional cooperation at all times. No words are sufficient to pay gratitude to the support I have received and learning I have gained here.


Please be in touch with me at ------ mail.

Thanks & Regards,

Your friend,
(Name with Mobile No.)

(It is a letter I received from one of colleagues when he is set to leave the company)
Collected by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy.

Tips for writing Tweets

Following are some of tips and precautions for writing tweets:
• Do not give introductions and simply write down whatever you want to express straightaway
• Twitter permits the writer to use only 140 words in a tweet. Hence, do not write lengthy sentences because you are bound by space limit.
• Use simple and short sentences
• Use abbreviations. For example, instead of writing Gross Domestic Product, simply use the abbreviation GDP
• Write numbers in numerical form rather than words. E.g. Write ‘144’ rather than ‘one hundred forty four’
• Use short forms. E.g: Write ‘didn’t’ instead of ‘did not’
• Use symbols rather than words e.g: Use ‘&’ instead of ‘and’
• Never reveal your personal details
• Twitting can be a hobby but, should not become an addiction

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Difference between Websites and Blogsites


Domain Name
A website contains and is hosted only with a domain name
A blog does not contain any domain name but, contains a sub-domain name
Registration Fee
A website owner has to pay for the registration of the domain name of the website

A Blogger needs not to pay for the registration of his sub-domain as several companies are offering the sub-domains free of cost.
Technical Expertise
Website maintenance requires at least some degree of technical expertise
The maintenance of a blog does not require any technical expertise.
Cost of Hosting & Maintenance
Hosting and maintenance of a website costs the owner of the website 
Hosting and maintenance of a blog does not cost the owner of the blog
Seriousness of Maintenance
In general, the website owners are more serious about the maintenance of the site compare to the owners of blogsites, because they are paying for it.

There are several professional as well as amateur bloggers who update their blogs regularly and make valuable postings. However, it is common wisdom that an average blogger is less serious about the maintenance of his site when compare to website owners. The bloggers are less serious simply because they are getting everything free of cost.   Most of the bloggers commence a blog and make posting due to their new enthusiasm but, slowly their enthusiasm comes down in course of time and start spending less time or almost no time on their blogs.
Usually, websites contain more content with quality and accuracy when compared to blogs.
Though there are good many blogs which are popularly known for their content richness, bloggers make their postings in hurry without doing in-depth research and enquiries.
Preferred by
Organizations always prefer to maintain an official website with an independent domain address rather than a blog for their official purpose.
Individuals, who does not want spend money on website, prefers to maintain a blog.

 Written by: S.Chandrashekara Reddy

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bingo - most popular lottery game in the world

Бинго е един от най-популярните лотарийни игри в света. Северна Америка харчи повече, отколкото $ 90 милиона за игра на бинго всяка седмица. В 16-ти век, от лотарията игра на име Тото, използвани която ще се проведе в Италия, всяка седмица и е непрекъснато се провеждат до дата. В 18-ти век, играта се разпространява във Франция и френския народ започва да свири на игра, като някои промени в първоначалния вариант. Играта веднага печели популярност чрез изложени на Европа и европейците започва да свири на на панаири и карнавали. През 19 век, различни игри Тото са били използвани в Германия, за да учат децата таблицата за умножение, правопис, имената на животни, имена на исторически личности и места.
През 1929, бизнес човек на име Edwin С. Лоу, от Ню Йорк, посети карнавала, когато той е на ход. Там той е видял някои хора, които играят на игра с боб върху маса и победителите вика "празненство", след като спечели agame. Играта е подобна на Тото. Той дойде да се знае, че играта се наричаше "празненство". След няколко дни, той направи няколко промени в играта и да въведе в играта на приятелите си. Приятелите му хареса играта толкова много и започнах да играя отново и отново. По време на една сесия, един от неговите приятели, който е на път да спечели играта, извика "Бинго", вместо да вика "празненство". От тогава играта става популярен като Бинго!.
По-късно бизнесмен, въведени в играта на пазара и играта веднага се превърна в успех в Ню Йорк. Търговските човек кандидатства за патент за играта му, но не може да успее, тъй като не е създателят на играта. Въпреки това, той получава патент за името "Бинго". Неговите конкуренти също започнаха да използват същото име като стана широко популярна. До 1940-те, бинго игра стана много популярен в САЩ. Някои църкви и благотворителни организации, започна провеждането на играта, за да се набиране на средства за техните организации. Тази нова тенденция, бинго игра още популярни.
Онлайн бинго игри навлезли на пазара с появата на интернет и са придобили добра популярност. В днешно време, може да намерите в онлайн бинго се играе в офиси и домове. За първи път, Онлайн бинго сайтове са въведени в Обединеното кралство. Настоящият игрален ден бинго не е точно същата като първоначалната игра бинго. Въпреки това, споделя някои сходства с първоначалния играта бинго. Тя все още играе всяка събота от италианците, тъй като масово лотария членка.

(This article is originally written in English and later, translated into Hindi. If anybody finds any grammatical mistakes in the article, please inform the author. I will mention their names in my blog.The author is not responsible for the damages of any kind that the reader suffers due to mistakes and errors in our translated article).

Contact: S.Chandrashekara Reddy.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to collect "Content" in an effective manner?

Certificate Course in Content Writing


Guidelines to collect Content in an effective manner

As honeybee moves from one flower to another flower, the content writer has to move from one source to another source to collect inputs/raw data. The finalized content will be the honey that the reader will enjoy. The sources of information can be broadly classified into two categories namely offline and online sources.

Online sources include:
  • Websites
  • E-books & E-magazines
  • Shared Documents
  • Blogs
  • Social Networking sites

Offline sources include:
·         Books
·         Periodicals
·         CD-ROMs and DVDs
·         Audio and Video cassettes
·         Interviews with Subject Matter Experts(SMEs)

Offline and online sources are not competitors or alternatives but complementary. When you want to collect required information online, you must be good at browsing.

Some tips, which may be helpful to you when you want to collect content, are mentioned below:
  • As of today, Google is considered the best search engine and hence, whenever you want to browse, give first preference to Google search engine.
  • When Google does not display adequate number of URLs, try other search engines such as Yahoo, MSN, Bing, Ask and AOL.
  • If you have enough time and patience, search using four to five search engines simultaneously.
  • If you want to collect information about any particular topic in an academic manner, “Wikipedia” is the best portal
  • Go for other sites suggested by Google only after collecting information displayed by Wikipedia.
  • Google gives utmost and undoubtful priority to content while assigning the page ranks to websites but, never think that the sites that are ranked in the first page by Google as the only best sites in terms of content richness as the owners of several sites use several kinds of SEO techniques to increase their page ranks
  • If you are supposed to prepare content for a particular industry, then consult your senior content writers who are into the same domain and subject matter experts to find the best sources for collecting information
  • When you find information about a particular topic in different kinds of online sources such as websites, e-books and blogs: set your preference as mentioned below:
1)       E-books & Shared Documents
2)       E-magazines
3)       Websites
4)       News Letters
5)       Blogs
6)       Social Networking sites

(Note: Above preferences are defined according to general experience and common wisdom. The above-mentioned list of preferences should not be followed blindly. The differences between various online sources of information shall be discussed in upcomping chapters)

Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quotations on Service

1. Our service is the root of our reputation
2. Customer is “God” while serving
3. Service is not an end but, the mean to customers’ delight
4. Service is our mean and customers’ delight is our end
5. For our services, “Quality” is the backend while “Customer Friendliness” is the front end
6. Service is our greatest job as well as joy
7. Service is our greatest joy
8. Raw applications are like a cloth while customized ones are like stitched clothes to put on. We give our customers clothes but not a cloth. We tailor our applications according to needs of our customers.

1)       Customer’s delight is the greatest creed.

2)       Quality enhancement is the greatest creed.

3)       Betterment is the greatest creed.

4)       Use State of Art Technologies to be ahead of your competitors

5)       Use State of Art Technologies to be a leader in the market

6)       Take a daily pledge to maintain daily edge in the market/ over your competitors

7)       Leaders are those whom others follow

8)       Leaders are those whom his competitors follow

9)       Innovators and enjoy all the first mover advantages

10)    Become a leader to enjoy the first mover advantages

11)    Your quality must speak of you

12)    Your service must speak of you

13)    Be an out-of-box thinker to have an edge over your competitors

14)    When you use your own product, term it “Consumption”. When customers use your product, call it “Response” and when your competitors use your product, treat it as “the real success”

15)    To emerge as a leader, be realistic, responsive and responsible

16)    Treat complaints as exercises and mistakes as lessons

17)    Give people what they expect from you

General View(s):
• Service must be:
 Customer friendly
 Customer Centric
 Customized
 Cost effective

Friday, October 22, 2010

Publication of Content

Certificate Course in Content Writing

A write-up, how great it may be, will be of no use if it is not published. “Publish or Perish” was the order of the publication industry of 20th Century. “Publish, Patent and Prosper” is the order of 21st Century as the free blogging facility provided by several firms has started allowing every individual to become a publisher.

However, it is wrong to assume that content writer always prepares “content” for the sake of publication. In several instances, he may prepare the content for internal reference, review or submission for an higher authoriy.

Following are some of the examples:
  • ISO documentation
  • Minutes of the meeting
  • Project Plan
  • Test Cases
  • Check Lists
  • Style sheets
  • Proposal/Business Letters*

(Note: In large establishments, the Content writers are not assigned the task of preparing the Proposal/Business Letters. Such work is done by Proposal Writers. However, in small and medium organizations, the content writers are supposed to work up on all kinds of content requirements including the preparation of Proposal/Business Letters.)

  Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy,

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Certificate Course in Content Writing

In large firms, a group of content writers are headed by an editor. However, in small and medium enterprises, most of content writers are not provided with Proof Readers and Editors. Content writers themselves have to proof read and edit their content and thus, editing becomes one of the functionalities of the content writer. Even if a Content writer is headed by Proof Readers and Editors, the Content Writer must act as the “Primary Proof Reader and Editor” for his work.

Editing is a wide process and includes following things:
·        Spell Check
·        Grammar Check
·        Flow Check
·        Checking Alignments
·        Checking of accuracy of data 
Removal of redundancy and irrelevant things

Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy

Copy Check & Generation of Original Content

Certificate Course in Content Writing

The content writer must ensure that his content is original and safe from the detection of plagiarism detection software. Nowadays, most of the Content Writers are relying up on Internet as the prime source of information.  Most of the Content Writers are simply collecting information from Internet and re-writing the copied content in such a way that the content looks original. In such cases, they must check the prepared content with plagiarism detection software and must ensure that the prepared content is free from the detection of plagiarism detection soft ware.

(Note: Plagiarism detection software has its own limitations. For example, the software can detect the content copied from some online source such as website, blog and social networking site. However, it cannot detect the data copied from a printed textbook or periodical. If you hire a content writer to work for you, you ask him to give you assurance in writing that he will not copy any content from any source)

After checking the content with the plagiarism detection software, please locate the spots where the content is copied and then, re-write the copied content in such a way that the content will look original.

Copy-Recheck and Originality Confirmation

Copy-recheck is an iterative process. It continues until the originality of the content is confirmed.

Written by: S. Chandrashekra Reddy

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Preparation of Content

Certificate Course in Content Writing


It commences after finding the adequate source(s) of information. It does not simply copying the content from one or more of the abovementioned sources.

The content writer must prepare the content with following objectives:

·        Content must be original and copy free
·        Content must be accurate
·        Content should be easy to comprehend and relevant
·        Content must be well proof read i.e., free from spelling, grammar, punctuation, and alignment mistakes
·        Content must be prepared, tuning the psychology of the readers. Content must live and interesting
·        Specified Style Sheet must be followed as per font color, size, and style of writing are concerned
·        “Target audience” should be borne in mind

Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy,

Monday, October 18, 2010

Location of Source(s) of Information

PG Diploma Course in Content Writing
It is next process that commences immediately after the topic selection. If the content writer possesses the required knowledge about topic, he can prepare the content on his own. However, in several cases, the content writer may be expected to prepare content about unknown issues or his knowledge about the topic may be limited and may not be sufficient to write about the topic. In such cases, he has to depend on other sources for information and following are some of such reliable sources:
·        Books and Periodicals
·        CDs, DVDs and audio and video cassettes
·        Personal Interviews
·        Internet

More than 90% of the present day content writers are computer savvy and rely up on Internet for collecting required information. Less than 10% of them depend on other sources such as Books, Periodicals, CDs, DVDs and audio and video cassettes. Wherever it is necessary, they may collect information through discussions and interviews with Subject Matter Experts.

However, it must be noted that mere Internet research may not be sufficient for research scholars, doing their research at Universities. They may more likely to depend on other sources for information.

Written by: S. Chandrasheakra  Reddy

PG Diploma Course in Content Writing - Chapter-I

Topic Selection

It is the point of commencement for any writing.

A topic is usually of three types:
  • Assigned topic
  • Chosen topic out of choice
  • Self-assigned topic  

Hobby writers usually work on self-assigned topics while most of the professional writers, working in enterprises, work up on assigned topics. However, celebrity professional writers, who usually turn freelancers, enjoy a lot of freedom while selecting the topic that they wish.

Writing with no specific topic in mind is like a journey of a lunatic with no destination. Hence, select a topic before setting to write something.

While selecting a topic, bear following things in mind:
  • Topic must be attractive. A topic, which might be attractive to one section of readers, may be of no interest to other section of readers. However, it is not very difficult to decide which topic is more interesting to majority readers.

Following are some of the examples:
Ø      A people may show more interest to read an article “Simple Ways to Make Money Online” because it is a human instinct to try to make more money in easier ways.
Ø      If a famous personality passes away, people may show more interest to read about the departed soul.
Ø      When a new President of America is elected, the entire world may show more interest to know about his profile. 

  • Topic must not hurt the sentiments of the people. If the topic hurts the sentiments of any particular group, the content writer may be sued in the court of law. Even, his personal security may be at a risk.
  • When you want to go for offline publication, make a thorough research about the market reach and viability of the topic. When you want to go for online publication, make online research about the keyword details such as keyword ranking, keyword volume and the similarity of the keywords with other popular keywords, while selecting a particular keyword.
    Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy

    PG Diploma Course in Content Writing - Introduction

    Who are Content Writers?

    Content Writers are those who prepare “Content”. In general, “Content” is referred to as mere “Text”. However, in the fields of Media, Communications and IT, it has a broader meaning and includes several components such as lists, indexes, tables, images, animations, audio and video. However, in this course, the word “Content writer” is referred to a person who prepares “Textual Content”.

    The Process of Content Preparation

    The sole response of a “Content Writer” is to prepare to “Content” according to the instructions given. The process of “Content Preparation” consists of several processes as mentioned below:

    • Topic Selection
    • Location of Source
    • Preparation of Content
    • Copy Check
    • Generation of Originality
    • Copy-Recheck and Originality confirmation
    • Editing
    • Publication

     Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Is Obul Reddy of Penukonda a real life villain?

    Is Obul Reddy of Penukonda a real life villain?



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    Public Opinion Survey

    Tuesday, August 17, 2010

    Requirements of Technical writers

    REQUIRED QUALIFICATION: An aspirant must have good command over language and must have basic computer skills and awareness about technology.
    Technical Writer must have deep domain knowledge.
    There are two types of aspirants who want to become technical writers.
    1. Those coming from fields such as journalism, creative writing, and masters in English
    2. Those coming from technical back ground
    Those, who enjoy good command over language, may lack soft skills and minimum awareness about technical things. They try to write in a flowery language rather than an easily comprehensive language and most often, they lack basic awareness about technical things.
    Those, who enjoy sound technical knowledge, may lack good command over language, grammar and style of writing. Hence, aspirants must have both command over language as well as technical soundness. Domain knowledge is another mandatory requirement for the aspirants.
    REQUIRED SOFTWARE SKILLS: An aspirant who aspires to become a technical writer must have extensive skills in Frame maker, ROBO Help, Acrobat and Word. It is preferable to have experience in creating web pages using HTML, XML and Dream weaver.
    REQUIRED ATTITUDE: A technical writer must possess following personal qualities.
    • He must enjoy a good command over English
    • He must be a good communicator
    • He must always keep himself updated with state-of-art technology
    • If a technical writer has to prepare a document on unknown topic, he has to educate himself by reading various books on the topic. He has to meet several Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
    • He must be a good listener because he is required to meet several Subject Matter Experts
    • He must be good at information gathering and information organization.

    Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy

    Monday, August 9, 2010

    Inverse Style of Writing

    When you are supposed to write either a news item or an article, it is advisable to start it with the conclusion rather than the process the issue underwent. After revealing the conclusion, you explain the entire process systematically.
    For example, let us assume that George W. Bush, the former President of USA, is busy with the talks to take a decision whether to declare a war on Iraq. After several rounds of talks, the president may decide to declare a war on Iraq. Then, the news item must begin with the conclusion rather than with the prior discussions, as follows: “USA decided to declare a war on Iraq, despite strong opposition from several countries in UNO”.
    When an incident takes place, readers bother more about the final decision/conclusion rather than the background/discussion/process the issue underwent. Though the discussion/the process too is an important one, it becomes just secondary due to more importance given to the conclusion. While going through an article, essay or a news item, readers can stop reading at any point and hence, it is advisable to mention the most important or sought after thing at the beginning.
    Several professors of Journalism and Mass Communications call the style as “inverse approach” or “Inverted pyramid style”. We can find such kind of writing often in articles, but it is more common in news items.

    Written by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy

    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    Gudielines(Golden Rules) for Technical writes

    • Technical writer has to bear the target audience in mind.
    • The style of writing must be clear and concise. Our writing must explain about complex concepts, processes and procedures in a simple and comprehensive way.
    • Be out of technical jargon.
    • Just provide only those details which are required by the user.
    • Pictures can speak more than words. Use one illustration instead of a lengthy paragraph wherever it is possible.
    • Heading must be brief, attractive and must explain about the subject.
    • Use sub-headings when you are supposed to prepare a lengthy document. They make (sub-headings) make the article readable.
    • Paragraphs must be neither too big nor too small.
    • Use hyper-links so that a uchandrashekarareddys@gmail.comser can directly get the details of the required topic without searching much. If it is not an electronic document, it is better to add an index of important concepts.
    • The document must not be dull and dumb.
    • The document must be clear and accurate.
    • A technical writer has to meet Subject Matter Experts while preparing the user guide or technical document.
    • Do not try to exhibit your subject knowledge entirely when you are supposed to prepare a document on a subject.
    (Note: Do not follow blindly any rules including the rules that are mentioned above. Act according to the situation. Situation is the ruler of rules and the regulator of regulations).

    Written by:
    S. Chandrashekara Reddy