
Friday, December 31, 2010

Peer's Letter of farewell


Change is the only constant factor in this world
Changes are painful, gainful and meaningful also , this is what I have realized while I am writing these few words.
Loaded with memories and great learning , I am taking along unforgettable experiences ,great friendships and respect which I have gained in last 2.4 Years.

My journey with the company has given me a platform to experience, build and unleash my potential to the best. There were tough challenges which were made easy with the help of my Managers, colleagues and our brilliant TEAM.My tenure at the company has given me immense strength & confidence to explore new horizons in my professional life.

I am obliged to my company management giving me this platform. Colleagues around me were always supportive and my TEAM were the pillars to my strength.

Though the association with the company would end today, my bonding would still be there forever with all wonderful memories am taking along.

I would like to thank you each one of you for your support , backing and unconditional cooperation at all times. No words are sufficient to pay gratitude to the support I have received and learning I have gained here.


Please be in touch with me at ------ mail.

Thanks & Regards,

Your friend,
(Name with Mobile No.)

(It is a letter I received from one of colleagues when he is set to leave the company)
Collected by: S. Chandrashekara Reddy.

Tips for writing Tweets

Following are some of tips and precautions for writing tweets:
• Do not give introductions and simply write down whatever you want to express straightaway
• Twitter permits the writer to use only 140 words in a tweet. Hence, do not write lengthy sentences because you are bound by space limit.
• Use simple and short sentences
• Use abbreviations. For example, instead of writing Gross Domestic Product, simply use the abbreviation GDP
• Write numbers in numerical form rather than words. E.g. Write ‘144’ rather than ‘one hundred forty four’
• Use short forms. E.g: Write ‘didn’t’ instead of ‘did not’
• Use symbols rather than words e.g: Use ‘&’ instead of ‘and’
• Never reveal your personal details
• Twitting can be a hobby but, should not become an addiction

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Difference between Websites and Blogsites


Domain Name
A website contains and is hosted only with a domain name
A blog does not contain any domain name but, contains a sub-domain name
Registration Fee
A website owner has to pay for the registration of the domain name of the website

A Blogger needs not to pay for the registration of his sub-domain as several companies are offering the sub-domains free of cost.
Technical Expertise
Website maintenance requires at least some degree of technical expertise
The maintenance of a blog does not require any technical expertise.
Cost of Hosting & Maintenance
Hosting and maintenance of a website costs the owner of the website 
Hosting and maintenance of a blog does not cost the owner of the blog
Seriousness of Maintenance
In general, the website owners are more serious about the maintenance of the site compare to the owners of blogsites, because they are paying for it.

There are several professional as well as amateur bloggers who update their blogs regularly and make valuable postings. However, it is common wisdom that an average blogger is less serious about the maintenance of his site when compare to website owners. The bloggers are less serious simply because they are getting everything free of cost.   Most of the bloggers commence a blog and make posting due to their new enthusiasm but, slowly their enthusiasm comes down in course of time and start spending less time or almost no time on their blogs.
Usually, websites contain more content with quality and accuracy when compared to blogs.
Though there are good many blogs which are popularly known for their content richness, bloggers make their postings in hurry without doing in-depth research and enquiries.
Preferred by
Organizations always prefer to maintain an official website with an independent domain address rather than a blog for their official purpose.
Individuals, who does not want spend money on website, prefers to maintain a blog.

 Written by: S.Chandrashekara Reddy

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bingo - most popular lottery game in the world

Бинго е един от най-популярните лотарийни игри в света. Северна Америка харчи повече, отколкото $ 90 милиона за игра на бинго всяка седмица. В 16-ти век, от лотарията игра на име Тото, използвани която ще се проведе в Италия, всяка седмица и е непрекъснато се провеждат до дата. В 18-ти век, играта се разпространява във Франция и френския народ започва да свири на игра, като някои промени в първоначалния вариант. Играта веднага печели популярност чрез изложени на Европа и европейците започва да свири на на панаири и карнавали. През 19 век, различни игри Тото са били използвани в Германия, за да учат децата таблицата за умножение, правопис, имената на животни, имена на исторически личности и места.
През 1929, бизнес човек на име Edwin С. Лоу, от Ню Йорк, посети карнавала, когато той е на ход. Там той е видял някои хора, които играят на игра с боб върху маса и победителите вика "празненство", след като спечели agame. Играта е подобна на Тото. Той дойде да се знае, че играта се наричаше "празненство". След няколко дни, той направи няколко промени в играта и да въведе в играта на приятелите си. Приятелите му хареса играта толкова много и започнах да играя отново и отново. По време на една сесия, един от неговите приятели, който е на път да спечели играта, извика "Бинго", вместо да вика "празненство". От тогава играта става популярен като Бинго!.
По-късно бизнесмен, въведени в играта на пазара и играта веднага се превърна в успех в Ню Йорк. Търговските човек кандидатства за патент за играта му, но не може да успее, тъй като не е създателят на играта. Въпреки това, той получава патент за името "Бинго". Неговите конкуренти също започнаха да използват същото име като стана широко популярна. До 1940-те, бинго игра стана много популярен в САЩ. Някои църкви и благотворителни организации, започна провеждането на играта, за да се набиране на средства за техните организации. Тази нова тенденция, бинго игра още популярни.
Онлайн бинго игри навлезли на пазара с появата на интернет и са придобили добра популярност. В днешно време, може да намерите в онлайн бинго се играе в офиси и домове. За първи път, Онлайн бинго сайтове са въведени в Обединеното кралство. Настоящият игрален ден бинго не е точно същата като първоначалната игра бинго. Въпреки това, споделя някои сходства с първоначалния играта бинго. Тя все още играе всяка събота от италианците, тъй като масово лотария членка.

(This article is originally written in English and later, translated into Hindi. If anybody finds any grammatical mistakes in the article, please inform the author. I will mention their names in my blog.The author is not responsible for the damages of any kind that the reader suffers due to mistakes and errors in our translated article).

Contact: S.Chandrashekara Reddy.